Hey Mom Vintage came about after I had my first son. I rediscovered my love for thrifting and vintage and found my passion reignited as I came into this new role as mother. Hey Mom started as Other Mother Vintage and was named after my son's favorite thing to say, "Otro" or "Other" in Spanish. Hey Mom was born after I had my second son and found myself constantly being called, "Hey Mom!"

My inspiration for vintage comes from the women in my family and I am so filled with joy that I get to bring my passion to you.

Hey Mom Vintage has a strong focus on the earth. Your packaging will be minimal and the materials used will be recycled, recyclable, and/or compostable. Millions of tons of clothes are produced and end up in landfills each year. Vintage clothing helps keep those clothes out of landfills. 

Fashion trends are always being recycled. I know you'll wear the pieces from my shop for years to come. 

Thank you for being here and sharing my love for vintage. 

xoxo Samantha